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A new generation of outdoor events

From backcountry kickers to screens across the world: a website that’s carved its name in live sports.

The X Games and the Olympics can step aside, because as any die-hard snowboard fan will tell you, the real snowboard contest is The Natural Selection Tour. This multi-week, international competition brings the world’s best snowboarders together to compete on our planet’s most challenging, natural(ly enhanced) terrain. Naturally, they needed a world-class website to function as a hub for the events, and 14Four was stoked to oblige.

The Challenge

The website needed to serve several different functions that was responsive across multiple devices. Firstly, it had to support multiple live events with seamless streaming and interactive capabilities so that fans could cheer on their favorite athletes. Visitors also needed to be able to buy merchandise off the site, including a wicked collection of NFTs. Finally, the site needed to be built in a way that would make it easy to pivot to their mountain biking events during the summer.

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